작성일 : 21-04-29 18:52
Firmware 5.50 , ProPoint/MAXPro 6.10 출시
 글쓴이 : (주)삼영피…
조회 : 1,645  
   Upgrading To ProPoint_MAXPro_한글 본.pdf (825.0K) [10] DATE : 2021-04-29 18:52:23
   Release-Notes_BD9XX-V5.50_V6.10.pdf (109.9K) [2] DATE : 2021-04-29 18:52:23
▶ 2021년 4월 20일 Trimble.Inc OEM GNSS Products  -  Firmware 5.50 출시

▶ 2021년 4월 20일 Trimble.Inc OEM GNSS Products  -  ProPoint_MAXPro firmware 6.10 출시
   펌웨어 설치의 장점>>
1. ProPoint is accepted.
This is a required option for the receiver to be able to load the new ProPoint 6.10 firmware.

2. Advanced RTCM
This is separate from ProPoint. This option gives you more flexibility in controlling the RTCM output messages.

3. RTX XTRa / xFill
This option activates the xFill function on the receiver. When the RTK link is broken, the receiver continues for 4 minutes using the data from the RTX message to maintain centimeter accuracy. No RTX subscription required.

4. Data logging
This option enables logging to the receiver's internal memory. During a troubleshooting event, you can request logging from our support team.

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